
günéy azerbaycanın türk musevileri

Saturday, February 05, 2022

Turkish king of Iran Nasir el-Din Shah Qajar advised that the Jews should buy a land and establish a state for Jewish people

 As early as 1873, Turkish king of Iran Nasir el-Din Shah Qajar advised that the Jews should buy a land and country, gather all the Jews of the world there, establish a state for Jewish people and create their own state there and be in charge of themselves so as to get some peace of mind and not be scattered around the globe like this.




M. [Isaac-Jacob Adolphe] Crémieux, one of the French national deputies, and a Jew, who was always in opposition to Napoleon III., and is a marvelous orator, came to an audience. He is an old man, and very short. He still speaks in the Assembly, and is in opposition to the Government. 

The celebrated [Baron Lionel Nathan de] Rothschild, a Jew also, who is exceedingly rich, came to an audience, and we conversed with him. He greatly advocated the cause of the Jews, mentioned the Jews of Iran, and claimed tranquility for them. 

I said to him: "I have heard that you, brothers, possess a colossal amount of money. I consider the best thing to do would be that you should pay half of it to some large or small State, and buy a territory in which you could collect all the Jews of the whole world, you becoming their chiefs, and leading them on their way in peace, so that you should no longer be thus scattered and miserable." 

We laughed heartily, and he made no reply. I made him understand that I do protect every alien religious community that is in Iran.


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